public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags "open source" & libre

June 2006


by jpcaruana & 1 other
Thinlet is a GUI toolkit, a single Java class, parses the hierarchy and properties of the GUI, handles user interaction, and calls business logic. Separates the graphic presentation (described in an XML file) and the application methods (written as Java code). Its compressed size is 39KB, and it is LGPL licensed.


by jpcaruana
This program may be used to setup and customize a PostgreSQL server : Just drop in your application folder, launch it, and customize your server

PostgreSQL for Mac

by jpcaruana
PostgreSQL for Mac as a stand alone application

Penser en Java

by jpcaruana
traduction française de Thinking in java de Bruce Eckel

Locomotive RoR

by jpcaruana & 4 others
Ruby on Rails development done the Mac way

Code Snippets: Store, sort and share source code, with tag goodness

by jpcaruana & 48 others
Snippets is a public source code repository. Easily build up your personal collection of code snippets, categorize them with tags / keywords, and share them with the world

March 2006

Yahoo! UI Library

by parmentierf & 29 others (via)
The Yahoo! User Interface Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, HTML and AJAX. The UI Library Utilities facilitate the implementation of rich client-side features by enhancing and normalizing the developer's interface to important elements of the browser infrastructure (such as events, in-page HTTP requests and the DOM). The Yahoo UI Library Controls produce visual, interactive user interface elements on the page with just a few lines of code and an included CSS file. All the components in the Yahoo! User Interface Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.

August 2005

Faut-il passer au libre ? - Clever Link - Clever Age

by kasi77
Tout le monde aujourd’hui « sait » que les logiciels libres sont moins chers, plus fiables et plus flexibles que leurs équivalents propriétaires et qu’ils redonnent une indépendance aux équipes informatiques. Bref, l’Open Source, c’est « in », et tant pis pour ceux qui n’ont pas pris le train, ils le paieront tôt ou tard. Et pourtant... Nombre de sociétés, de toutes tailles, n’ont pas franchi le cap et persistent dans l’utilisation de produits éditeurs. Il y en a même (nous en croisons tous les jours) qui choisissent encore de démarrer des projets sur des technologies propriétaires et fermées. C’est que malgré tout, l’Open Source continue de susciter des inquiétudes et des interrogations.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "open source"

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